
Salary Analyses in Estonia

In spring 2021, the Salary Information Agency introduced its new product – occupational wage statistics.

Occupational wage statistics is a detailed overview of salary rates in an occupation by county, economic activity and number of employees in organisation. 


List of occupations we can provide occupational wage statistics on

Source: Statistics Estonia, data extract tailored specifically for the Salary Information Agency.


Our list of occupations includes all employees registered in the Employment Register. For each occupation you can see how many organisations have registered employees with this occupation code (number of organisations) and how many employees work in this occupation (number of employees) according to the Register.

Period covered by the statistics: quarter 1 and 2 of 2024, quaters 1–4 of 2021, 2022 and 2023.


Please download the comprehensive data file to see how many and which occupations are available.

The file also contains sample statistics.





Salary data extract for several occupations by chosen characteristics

  • One data series (one occupation, one characteristic, one quarter) 10 EUR
    See sample (PDF)

Note: Minimum order is 50 EUR


Simple salary analysis for one occupation


Detailed salary analysis for one occupation

Best deal package: all chosen occupations included in the price

  • Data for one quarter 590 EUR
  • Data for two quarters 690 EUR
  • Data for three quarters 890 EUR
  • Data for four quarters 990 EUR

Prices quoted without VAT

To place your order, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Salary data

The data for our occupational wage statistics originates from tailored data extracts from Statistics Estonia, the Employment Register and tax returns. All of this data is specifically requested and purchased by the Salary Information Agency.

Data includes

  • salary data from all organisations
  • salary data of more than 400,000 employees

Data set includes

  • more than 1,500 occupations with 8-digit ISCO codes

Salary data by different background characteristics

  • all employees in the given occupation
  • five regions (Northern Estonia, Central Estonia, North-Eastern Estonia, Western Estonia, Southern Estonia)
  • all counties
  • all economic activities with 1- and 2-digit EMTAK codes
  • size of organisation by number of employees (less than 10, 10–19, 20–49, 50–249, more than 250)
  • group of turnover
  • sector (private and public, not-for-profit organisations and foundations)

Our data analysis includes

  • average quarterly gross salary
  • median gross salary
  • ranges that illustrate salary variations (1st and 3rd quartiles, 10th and 90th percentiles)

Sounds interesting? Let us know below what kind of information you are after and we’ll get in touch with a reasonable quote.

Request a quote
Desired occupations
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Please list the job titles and/or codes that you are interested in.
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All employees
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Background filters

Please select all background characteristics that you would like your salary statistics to be filtered by. The data is presented in a separate table for each chosen characteristic. For example, salaries in a certain occupation in Harjumaa and in processing industry would be in two separate tables.
If a background characteristic is not selected, then no data is filtered by that characteristic.

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Turnover EUR
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